Saturday, October 24, 2009


After a few weeks of to-ing and fro-ing, QC1 and I managed to sort out a time to meet for a few drinks. It was last night, which boded well for a good few hours of chat and a few drinks, and things were going very well. I explained my employment woes, she told me how she and her husband were getting on and we had a good laugh (nothing about this proposed blind date though). It was really going quite swimmingly... until her husband showed up. Now, this isn't what you think, because me and QC1's husband get along extremely well. The reason that was a bad thing was because a) he wasn't drinking and had the car and b) he had showed up to give QC1 a lift home.

That meant that our entire night out lasted 2 hours. If that's all the time she could spare, we could have done this during the week, as 2 hours is nothing, even on a "school night" and we could have done this weeks or months ago. Don't get me wrong, it was great to see her, but I can't help feeling that she didn't make the most of the situation. Even when I meet up with QC3, which is usually during the week, we spend more than a couple of hours catching up.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This online dating thing is really fucking me off.

I don't mind that some girls are hard to talk to. I don't mind that some have unrealistic ideals or goals.

I do mind that girls don't even have the common decency to say "thanks but no thanks", even those that have me in their list of favourites. Why bother?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The afternoon after the night before.

I was out at the pub last night with, amongst others, FBS and D. As always, it was a good night. It's rarely exciting per se, but you're always guaranteed a good few hours of chat and banter and last night was no exception.

The one interesting incident was that I thought I spotted a girl from the dating site I've been using - one of the girls that really took my fancy, but has never replied to my contact attempts. If it was the same girl, then the pictures that she's used on the site really do not do her justice. It reminded me how annoyed I am at the two girls I really want to meet but who have simply not replied in any shape or form (even if it was just pressing the "no thanks" button that the site appears to offer). I'd like to think that I'm not wasting anyone's time and effort and it's annoying that these people are wasting mine, especially when I'm going to the trouble of creating personal messages to send them.

In other dating news, the blind date has still not happened. I'm going to talk to QC1 first before agreeing to anything and the email conversation with the girl on the dating site has fizzled out - it's now just under two weeks since I last sent an email. A few other feelers I have out there are returning nothing.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


One thing that's been in short supply recently are chats with USHW. USHW and I used to chat all the time, sometimes for hours and hours of an evening and eventually, I trusted her enough to even talk about issues that were normally taboo for most people and even to talk about issues that I considered private. This eventually escalated into some fairly explicit conversations, some flirting and a not inconsiderable spark of lust (and I think I speak for both of us when I say that it was very much definitely lust rather than anything else).

We did eventually meet in person and everything we shared in our online chats – sense of humour, ease/comfort with each other etc. all translated to the real world and we shared a hotel room and a bed for two nights while meeting mutual acquaintances. It's no word of a lie to say that we were this close (he says, holding his finger and thumb really close together) to spending a lot of time fucking in a hotel… only our respective morals stopped us from taking the step beyond having a bit of a cuddle in the bed to full on fucking, even with my hands going places they shouldn't have been. I've already said in other posts that our comfort levels with each other were very high and that we would have made full use of the hotel room and its' furniture had we taken that last step. I suspect that USHW, like me, wanted the other person to initiate sex, and had the wandering hands happened on the first evening rather than the last morning, then who knows what might have happened?

However, USHW was married... is married, even. And the events of that weekend (us sharing a room in a hotel, online conversations we'd had, blog posts USHW had made) caused trouble for USHW. My remoteness to USHW’s home town meant that any trouble was never likely to land at my door, but it still had an effect as my sense of security was shattered. However, despite these problems, we did start chatting again, on and off, and even the levels of smut rose (or should that be dropped) to the levels we used to achieve, but perhaps inevitably, it was bound to burn out at some point and it did, even though we had more secure tools than ever to chat – amongst them MSN and Facebook.

Messages that we’ve swapped over the past year or so have been brief. USHW says she keeps up to date by reading the blog, but that’s not a substitute for a proper conversation or even some of USHW’s famous questions here she used to cut right to the chase and my own questions are dismissed because she doesn’t want to chat.

I miss chatting with USHW for all of the above reasons, but she simply doesn't seem to be online any more… or at least with any kind of regularity and when she is she seems… distant or tired or distracted. So, USHW, if you do still pop by, it’d be nice to hear from you again in the way we used to chat.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I'm currently swapping emails with a girl from the dating website and things are going slowly, but the important thing is they are, at least, going.

However, I can't help but be critical of this girl's spelling.

I do a lot of written work... my last job involved a lot of written correspondence, plus I write emails all the time and have also delved into writing as a hobby, so my spelling is pretty damned god and my grammar isn't bad either.

Reading the emails from this girl is making my eyes bleed though.

She'd better not turn out to be ugly and/or uninteresting.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Girls! Girls! Girls?

Over the past few weeks, while pretty much everything has been falling to pieces, one thing hasn’t. The dating/girls thing has been almost the complete opposite. I got an email from a girl on the online dating site that I’ve replied to after a semi-strange incident (more on this later). QC1, as mentioned before, has offered a blind date with a girl she knows that I’m still considering and last night, a co-worker that I barely know, offered to set me up with one of her friends... although got side-tracked and that never panned out. So, the girl/dating thing seems to be getting quite interesting.

Oh, and that semi-strange incident I was telling you about, well, I was walking home from work the other day and I saw a girl that resembled this girl’s description of herself – average build, brunette etc. Obviously, this doesn’t narrow things down a lot, but she did mention that she lives in the same vague area of the city that I do and that she has a pet... and this brunette girl (quite nice looking too) had the same pet. It’s nothing conclusive, but would narrow things down an awful lot. While the odds are still stacked against this cute girl in the park being the same girl, it did at least prompt me to reply and there are the beginnings of an email conversation there. Who knows where this will lead?

Sadly, the two outstanding girls that I've messaged on the site have made no effort to reply or at least turn me down. That kind of behaviour really annoys me.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...