Thursday, March 26, 2009

Steps forward.

Over the past two nights I've had some really weird dreams. The first was a dream where I'd managed to steal £15 million and has it sitting in my bank account, but couldn't do anything with it or else I'd get found out. I woke up yesterday with a huge dose of fear! When I realised it was all a dream, I was so relieved. Last night's dream was a lot more pleasant, but not any less frustrating. GC was the main character in it and we spent the entire time flirting, but never actually doing anything about it. I woke up this morning incredibly frustrated... I still am to a certain extent!

In other news, I think I've found somewhere to live. It's been a long hunt, on and off for the last six or seven months, but I went to view a few places last week, found one that's decent with a couple of decent flatmates, and left a message last night asking the landlord to get in contact so I can sort out leases/contracts etc. I want to get in ASAP, so I'm hoping to hear from the landlord today or tomorrow.

This is exciting because I had some stuff on hold, just waiting for me to find a new place to live including dating, sorting out my lack of social life and changing gym. As I promised myself ages ago, once I'm settled in this new place, I might actually give the online dating thing a go to offset this on/off frustration I have with being single (and the somewhat ongoing frustration of last summer's RB incident). In a conversation with A yesterday, I said that if things go well in this new place, this summer could be a very exciting and busy time in the life of Ruuude!

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