Friday, May 30, 2008

Contact and social life...

Things have been relatively busy, hence my lack of posts here. To be honest, there's not a lot to be said either!

Contact from others has been very sporadic until this week. Earlier in the week, I got a text from AM, which looked as if it had been written two weeks ago and today I got a very stressed looking message from QC2 who is juggling career, home and education life at present, but promises to get in contact in a few weeks once her last piece of coursework is completed and submitted.

The next few weeks are shaping up to be great. E's home in about three weeks, there's the aforementioned potential meeting with QC2 and I'm off to see the Foo Fighters at Wembley next weekend. I had toyed with the idea of trying to meet up with A or UHSW this time around, but I don't have the time. It's literally in to the city, concert, hotel, home. I can't even meet with the old school mates I have there.

There's still this night out with D, FBS etc. that we're all planning, but no-one's nailed down dates yet.

Still, with a football competition on the horizon, things are looking quite good for June. The only blip is that an attempt to expand my social circle and increase my activity/fitness (and my time out of the house) by getting some guys off of a local forum to play football on a semi-regular basis is probably going to die a death. can't complain too much though, eh?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

General stuff.

From my printed and online presentations, I've selected some photographs and uploaded them to Facebook to give some of my acquaintances the chance to see my recent holiday snaps.

I'm not expecting much in the way of comments, but it'll be interesting to see what, if anything, FA2 will pipe up with. Out of everyone I know on Facebook, only her and BW have any real reason to pass comment (BW will just make himself look like a fucktard as usual and FA2 will bemoan a lack of visits from me while I was travelling).

I've also sent an email to QC2 to see when she's finally going to be available, but I have yet to get a reply. I've also made tentative arrangements to see D and FBS (amongst others) within the next few weeks which should be a good night out.

Getting old...

While my exercise has increased somewhat (I'm now playing more rigorous football twice a week and doing plenty of walking) there is a downside. I've got this strange pain in my knee. My knee isn't sore all the time, but if I sit in a certain way, the pain appears. It's not normal pain either... it's like a tightening of the skin and the pain only appears when I cross my leg (or more accurately, cross my right leg over my left). When I touch the painful area, it initially appears numb and if I apply pressure, then there's a shooting pain through the knee.

I only noticed it earlier today, so I've no idea how this happened or even if it's sports-related. However, if it's still painful after I next play football on Wednesday, then I'll think about heading to my G.P. for a prognosis.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I have a printed copy of my travel project that I took into work recently to properly show off my holiday. It's hard to describe the reception that it got, but is was hugely positive. My co-workers were not only gushing in their praise of the presentation, but also of my actual photography. 

There were more than a few compliments about the high quality in general of the shots and specific praise for some individual shots (and it was nice to see that the most praise was heaped on my two or three favourite shots). Even SSCW was gushing with her praise and it's fair to say that she's not one for giving out praise or compliments too easily. She also mentioned that she thought E was very pretty (that kinda came out of left field... not that I think E's unattractive cos she isn't) and that I should do whatever was required to tie her down (not in a sexual way, but in a relationship way). 

Of course, she assumed that the purpose of my visit was to see E because she thinks, I dunno, that I went out there purely to sleep with E or something. Still, it was nice to get the praise that I feel my online presentation failed to receive from most people (but having had a look at the viewing figures, I really don't think too many people have even bothered to look at it and that's a disappointment in itself).

Sunday, May 11, 2008

In other news...

Chatted briefly with E today, but not via Skype. We IMed instead which isn't ideal but seeing as she's not usually online on a Sunday (she was calling her Dad as she hadn't spoken to him this week - see other posts about E's ties to her family), I took the opportunity as it was presented.

I've managed to talk her in to coming out when she's next home in a few months time. We can have a few drinks, grab some food and catch up. I'm much better in person at being chatty. Online, I tend to keep quiet and listen (especially in Skype calls and phone calls). Still, I'm looking forward to it.


Here's a few fun websites for those of you with pictures you like and a large wall upon which to hang huge things:

Both are great fun. Some bloke's even using one of these sites to sell pictures on eBay UK for £10. That's a "scam" and a half!


It's Sunday, it's glorious outside and I'm sue in work today. Why? Well, it's because my boss either doesn't listen to me or he does and is afraid to rock the boat further up the food chain. Either way, it's not a good thing and my pondering about whether to ask for a transfer has finally reached a decision, I think. All I need to do is wait until I am eligible for transfer, which is later on in the summer.

I'm really pissed at his handling of this project though. He's known for ages this would happen and I've made no promises about deadlines given my superiors' own blatant disregard for them (by handing in finalised specifications only days before supposed handoff etc.) and the fact that I cannot allocate my time 100% to this project as I have others on my plate of equal or more importance.

We're due to have a chat tomorrow, so let's see what happens here.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


I left work yesterday at about half past four, heading to the pub with a few work colleagues for a few pints. It was our work's monthly beer festival which I'm sure I've mentioned before.

It was a good laugh and I got in some good perving at a girl who works in our department (though not my team). I wasn't the only one perving and we ended up in a discussion about work totty and dating co-workers. She had a weird day. She wasn't in work yesterday, but turned up at 5:30 PM for a few drinks and disappeared again at about 8PM, only to show up again at about 10 PM.

Actually, the girl in question is extremely appreciated within my small group of co-workers with whom I socialise. One friend, GFW, has actually pointed out similarities between this girl and V, which is true in a superficial kind of way - they're both brunette, slim, toned, very pretty and they kinda, sorta look similar. They both look good in everyday attire (their work clothes, though I still maintain that V used to dress dowdily for work in the bar), they both look great in casual clothes (both wear jeans and t-shirts in dress down mode and look fantastic for it) and last night, I saw the co-worker return to the bar in a dress or skirt (I was kinda drunk) which showed off an amazing pair of legs. Oh, and she's single and seemingly has no qualms about dating co-workers. It was a good night.

I know what you're thinking (well, not YOU, but USHW when she reads this) and I'm not making a play for her.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...