Saturday, March 11, 2006


From my time in the Baltics, I met a nice young Finnish girl. We've been swapping emails recently, though it's all small talk at the moment, hopefully it'll develop into something - a 'penfriend' or something. I don't like small talk, really. Partly because I'm no good at it but mainly because I find it so... pointless. Unless it leads onto something else, which leads me back to 'penfriend'.

PD's home today, though I don't expect to hear from her until next week at some point, if at all. I made a mentionin my last email of forgetting about this meeting up at the weekend when we're both out with friends idea and simply nailing down a night and going out for a drink. She can take that any way she chooses, but if this doesn't happen soon then I'll probably just give up.

The book on flirting and body language arrived a few days ago, and I've just about started reading it. It is interesting, but will obviously only ever be useful if I actually remember the stuff it's telling me AND pay attention to other people's body language. I guess it means I'll simply have to keep re-reading it until it sinks in.

For the future: I finally made arrangements to go and visit F at the end of May. I've promised her for ages that I would visit, but never got around to finalising any details. Now we have, so that's in the pipeline, and it should be really good fun.

With it being St. Patrick's Day next week, I'm sure I can head down the pub and toast good old St. P. The gym's still going (slowly), but I'm close to signing up for the work's footy team that plays once per week and we've also been offered a deal on a new bike by work too which could mean substantial savings (e.g. £150 for a £300 bike), which I'll probably take them up on. Both of these should mean an increase in exercise without having to go near the gym (plus the bike's always handy for getting around).

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...