Tuesday, April 26, 2005

What next?

So, the meeting people weekend has come and gone. Was it worth the months of hassle and stress for some? I hope so! I certainly had a great time meeting new people and catching up with previous acquaintances. Other people are also making approving noises, so congratulations will have to be paid to USHW, the organiser. As I have said before, at these things, there are usually some complete tossers in the mix, but this time around everyone that I spoke to was really nice. As is usual though, I didn't get around all the people I'd have liked with at least three people deserving of more time which I was unable to give. I'd like to think that we'll all meet up again at some point, though.

I finally met USHW, too. There was bed sharing, but no fluid swapping. All moral codes remain intact, which was never in any doubt, really. She's a lot quieter and a lot more timid then I was expecting, despite repeated warnings from her that that was the case.

Now what? I've sort of been focussed on this one event, so now that's over what?

I am meant to be heading to Birmingham in September, so there is that to look forward to, but it seems an awful waste of a summer to be looking passed that to the early Autumn. Probably best to put on the old thinking cap.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...