Sunday, April 10, 2005

What if...

Sometimes, pub conversations can be fun. 

Last night, whilst out with FP, the conversation turned to "What if...". Not in a sentimental kind of way, but more along the lines of "Christ, it would be so easy to be in a completely different place by now" kind of way. 

Like "What if I'd passed my A-levels the first time and gone to university at 18 instead of 27?" or "What if I hadn't spoken to that girl who I ended up dating for a couple of years?" or "What would have happened if I hadn't fucked that girl from work?" 

Three situations that did happen and would probably have had various degrees of influence on my life from those points onwards... 

The university thing was probably the one thing that could have had the biggest influence on my life, given that the industry (I.T.) was buoyant when I was 18 and was on a downward spiral with the dot com bubble burst when I was halfway through my degree (ten years later). Not only would my starting salary have been higher, but chances are I wouldn't have stayed local looking for a job, either. 

The girl thing is self-explanatory, really. During those few years, I pretty much stayed in the state that I was in when I met her - all thoughts that I'd had of travelling, looking for a promotion/better job etc. all kinda fell by the wayside. 

Not as big an influence as the university thing, but could have been fairly major. Sleeping with the girl from work was relatively minor in terms of influence - a short term series of fucks that I think she was trying to build into a relationship and that I was happy leaving as a series of fucks. So, perhaps obviously, we're no longer in regular contact. I haven't seen her in a few years, but we're at least still on speaking terms when we do bump into each other in the street. 

I think I watched "Back to the Future" too much when I was younger.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...