Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I just spotted this girl on an episode of Stargate: Atlantis and she is gorgeous! I want to meet girls like this! Her name is Laura Harris...

Monday, August 17, 2009

My 600th post!

Pity there's nothing exciting to post.

The job situation is still ongoing. I'm rapidly running out of options and HR are playing hardball. My last one big chance is a meeting with an old boss tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what's going to come out of this, but I'm this close (he says, holding two fingers really close together) to jacking it all in. I don't think I'm being unreasonable in what I'm asking for, but you'd think I was asking for the bosses' kids to be sacrificed at some pagan ceremony. Bastards.

The online dating thing continues to be dead in the water... ish. After hearing nothing from the one standout candidate

However, out of nowhere, another girl has appeared and I'll be sending her an email soon, once I figured out the wording. She's almost completely different to the previous girl (if the descriptions are anything to go by) and kind of reminds me of a girl I went to primary school with... pixie-like features, small, brunette and, if I'm reading between the lines correctly, lives very local to me. There are pictures with this one and she is very cute.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Spent a few hours in the pub last night with QC2, which was good. Our conversations can be quite weird at times... almost impersonal, but last night was not one of those nights. We talked through a wide range of subjects and included my current work situation (I hate it), my love life (not really enjoying being single at the moment), FA2 (she's an arse) and various other topics.

It's nice to hear someone who's opinion you respect telling you that you should have no trouble finding someone, but in reality that's not the case as you well know from this blog, dear reader.

Somehow, the subject of RB came up (it's hard to believe that's a year ago now). QC2 asked me if I would have another bash at RB and I think the answer is "yes". I know she's bonkers with baggage, but it's baggage that she's now had a year to get over, and she is cute and interesting and likes me, so why not? The fact she's halfway across the planet not withstanding, of course.

The only downside of being out with QC2 is that the night is over all too early... after three hours in last night's case.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


Work's pissing me off. I've been moved into a new team where the work is something I hate and I'm not cut out for - customer support/desktop support. I hate it. I'm not going into too much detail here, but I'm in talks with HR about getting moved elsewhere.

QC2 finally got in contact. To be perfectly honest, I was slightly concerned that I'd done something wrong as I don't think I've seen QC2 this year and that she was avoiding me. However, I got an email off her earlier suggesting we head out next week for drinks, which was a relief. I've replied in the affirmative, so that gives me something to look forward to next week at least.

Finally, I appear to have become something of an advisor to JB who IMs me in work a lot asking for advice regarding her love life. I guess that role means I'm not getting into her pants, but to be perfectly honest, there's absolutely no spark there at all, not even one of lust, so that's not a huge deal to me and it's still nice to be able to talk to someone new.

Still nothing from K on Facebook, so I guess our past is still, well, our past and she's no interest in engaging in contact again. As above, that's no big loss, it was just a bit of fun.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...