Sunday, June 21, 2009

A rather good night out.

Well, I think I managed to figure out last night if the blonde girl I've been posting about is interested or not and the answer is... not! Probably.

We were out with a group of friends last night and she spent an awful lot of time trying to get me to dance. I danced... I don't normally, but I was reasonably drunk, in a good mood and the music was mostly great. There was also a bit of chat in the house pre-pub where she said she's been messaging me last week in work, but I hadn't replied. All in all, it's little signs like this that led me to believe she was interested.

After the pub, we were standing in the street, waiting for a few mutual friends when she simply opened up to me regarding this bloke she met on holiday,was quite keen on, but who ultimately wasn't interested. We went for something to eat, with a few others who, inexplicably, all drifted off before we got to the restaurant. So, it was only me and the blonde girl. We had a long chat about relationships. She was telling me more about this bloke and we discussed how men and women deal with relationships before getting a taxi home. It turns out that she only lives about fifteen minutes walk from my house, so we shared a taxi. I dropped her off at hers and came home. Unusually for a girl, there was no contact... no hug, no kiss on the cheek so that's primarily where my assumption is coming from. On the flip side, she didn't wonder (out loud) why she was opening up to me. I don't know why she did or if it means anything in terms of non-platonic interest, but seeing as I still really don't know what I want from this girl, there's probably not too much point in over-analysing it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Out of the blue, last night in the pub, a girl from work turned to me and asked "Was I talking to you last week about RB?"


I knew this girl was a friend of RB's but I never expected her to actually talk to me about it.

Suffice to say that RB is travelling the world and is not as happy doing so as she had expected. This is not unexpected. I had suspected that she wasn't about any longer... I don't see her name mentioned in any of the recruitment websites, so assumed she had at least moved jobs. I had suggested as much to her last year when we were chatting on our date. That's about the extent of the RB-related conversation though.

Still, for some reason, this has completely side-swiped me, so much so that I ended up telling a mate's girlfriend about RB and my frustration. I barely know this girl, so for me to open up on such a personal matter is quite weird for me. I guess I needed to talk to someone about it and she was there and asking questions, so I opened up.

I'm feeling a little bit "meh" right now and I'm annoyed at myself for it.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Things to consider

I bumped into the blonde girl today, during work. Remembering USHW's oft quoted advice of actually talking to females, I stopped her for a chat, specifically about her weekend and birthday. She mentioned that she'd had a good night with a few "emotional" bumps along the way (alcohol induced by the sounds of it). She asked how old I was. I didn't answer but asked her how old she thought I was. Her reply was that she thought I was about the same age as myself. I was going to asnwer truthfully, but I made a vague comment about something or other and left it at that.

On the way back to my desk, I saw her in the lift. We caught each other's eye and I shouted my true age to her, with sounds of disbelief coming just as the door closed.

I still think there's a spark of interest there, but I'm as unsure of my own feelings as I am about hers. Then there's the age thing. She's nine years younger than me. Personally, I don't find that an issue, at least not right now, but it could have a huge influence on her.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Saturday morning feeling

I had a good night last night. I was out with a group of people from work, including that social group with the blonde girl. I didn't get to chat to her much last night as she was being a social butterfly, but I am now reasonably confident she is interested, if only a little bit. I just have to figure out if I am!

Saying that, upon waking this morning, with it being cold, windy and wet outside, I had a strong desire to have someone beside me. Saturday morning lie-ins with a lot of sex and cuddling are fantastic when it's miserable outside.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...