Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Woo! (Woo?)

I'm trying not to get too excited, but things might just be looking up after the somewhat disappointing second half of 2008 (and you only know the half of it, dear reader).

An ex-colleague/friend recently announced he was house hunting, albeit with a friend, but has been receptive to the two of us hunting out a place together as his mate is starting to consider other options. Starting tomorrow probably, I will be investigating seriously the possibility that we hunt out a place... possibly something rather groovy and preferably very soon.

In addition to that, there is the possibility that life might become more interesting professionally (and that's a good thing in general if RB was correct all those months ago when we talked about my industry), but that's all going to rely on a chat with my boss about promotion opportunities.

There's also a couple of offers on the table regarding travel and stuff that will make the first quarter of 2009 quite exciting, if a little expensive! Nothing really on the dating front either... as mentioned in previous posts, the social life has been extremely quiet over the past month or so (even over Christmas, sadly). Still, I'm meeting up with a cousin at the weekend for many, many drinks, which might be the start of more socialising.

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Giveth and taketh.

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