Sunday, August 06, 2006

The mid-life crisis looms.

Today has seen me in a very 'High Fidelity' mood, contemplating ex-girlfriends which is never a good thing to do at work. Specifically, I've been thinking about CAB, a girl I dated very briefly about 12 years ago. CAB was fun, she was sexy (ticked a lot of boxes of my 'type') and we had fun together. Sadly, not the kind of fun I wanted to have with her, though not for the lack of trying of both parties, although mainly me.

Circumstances made it difficult to get the kind of alone time we both wanted – for starters, we both lived at home at the time. CAB wasn't a huge earner, either, being on a government scheme after her graduation, so weekends away weren't on the cards. They were suggested, but CAB didn't want to feel like I was paying her way – a sentiment I understood at the time, but only really related with when I was dating FA2 and I found myself in CAB's situation.

I'm not sure where it would have gone if things had been different. Shortly after we started dating in March, CAB announced that she was going to go off and do a Masters or a PhD which would have meant leaving in the summer.

I called it off long before then, though. Things got very routine, very quickly. Every week, it was the same thing. We'd meet up on a Wednesday after work, get drunk in bars around our hometown and then get an early-ish bus home. The weekends would be similar, though we'd often be out with friends.

They were fun, but it seemed as if the relationship wasn't actually going anywhere. I've no doubt that CAB could tell you exactly why, she was a psychologist, but I've still no idea. Perhaps CAB's lack of money, coupled with our inability to get horizontal and naked meant that the relationship, even in its early stages, was going to remain stagnant.

Even with the odd fumble when we found some privacy in an environment that allowed such things (and granted, CAB did look magnificent naked – not something I can say about every woman I've undressed), the lack of sex was very frustrating to me (and I think to CAB, though she never actually said anything).

I do wonder what she's up to these days. I do have an idea, as I see her name attached to some important looking documents on the internet, though I am reticent about getting in contact. I do still wonder about what she's like in the sack, though. Maybe I should have just gone along with it for a few more months, until she left, and then called it quits then.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...