Saturday, August 19, 2006

Another work's night out.

So here we are at some ungodly time of the morning. I woke up about half an hour ago and can't get back to sleep. I'll post this and see if I can't grab some kip.

Last night was a bit weird. Yet another work's do. On the plus side, Lickable Girl was there, despite the fact she's left our company and looking (in my opinion, though it seems to be a minority) mighty fine. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to talk to her – she spent all night (well, the few hours she was there) talking to her ex-colleagues. It was still nice to see her, though.

Pretty Blonde. Remember her from last month? Well, she was spotted too, but showing absolutely no interest at all in me, so I probably imagined whatever it was I saw at last month's thing. Shame… she is kinda cute and has a nice ass.

So our team went out for a few beers, but despite a few of us turning up early, we got fragmented again. It happens with our team all the time. It didn't really bother me until last night, but one of the guys was concerned and wanted to know why. It appears that half the team takes itself off because of a perception that I don't like one of the newer team members. I'm not entirely sure that it's an accurate perception, but it would be right to say that this new team member is, well, frustrating.

I'm sure he's a decent enough chap, but I find myself not wanting to talk to him because he has a habit of interrupting. If someone in the team asks me for advice or help, he interrupts when I'm about to speak. If I'm having a conversation with someone across the desk, he interrupts from twenty feet away. If he asks me to explain something to him, he interrupts me to repeat what I said in the previous sentence. I find this incredibly rude and off-putting when trying to talk to someone and so I try to limit the conversations I have with him. I'm sure he does this with other people, but I'm probably the only person who has distanced himself from the guy because of it.

I don't think it's enough to make half the team piss off and do their own thing on a night out, is it?

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...