Friday, July 22, 2005

Weird day.

Weird day… I bumped into two people that I haven't seen in a while. The first was a guy that I used to work with. We both left our mutual employer around 8 years ago and it was nice to catch up, despite the fact we weren't particularly close or anything.

The second was FA1. I've known FA1 for about ten years now – she was introduced to me as a friend of a friend of a friend. We hit it off pretty much straight away and met up with each other once in a while for a drink or lunch to catch up. For a while, I even toyed with the idea of asking her out when she'd finished with a boyfriend, but I didn't really fancy her that much I don't think. In a weird, twisted way, I could see us ending up in bed (and having a bloody good time of it as well), but could never see us in a relationship. As it happens, the night I was considering asking her out is the same night I ended up hooking up with FA2 for the first time, much to BW's chagrin.

She's never said anything, but I think she had similar thoughts. We kinda circled around it for ages and I can think of quite a few times we could have ended the night in bed. Too late now though, she's married. Happily, I think. Certainly recently. Though we only passed each other in the street.
I should email her and find out if she fancies catching up sometime soon over lunch or a drink.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...