Finally made it to my induction at the gym today. Didn't do a lot - maybe about 40 mins worth of (very light) exercise, but it reminded me how good it feels to actually burn a lot of energy that way. You do end up feeling a lot better for it, even if it rips your heart out at the time. I got to meet GC though and learn about the machines and have a brief chat about what my goals were.
So, I have another appointment with the lovely GC next week (who was indeed easy on the eye) to get me through an initial session and draw up a plan for me to follow on my own, then I should get back to her every 4 to 6 weeks to adjust my fitness plan based on my goals, targets and ability.
I am looking forward to it and hopefully I shall see results sooner rather than later. Actually, if I am to keep this up, seeing some sort of results quite soon is probably a necessity.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hurrah! Got my gym induction sorted for tomorrow with GC who's "easy on the eye" according the guy I was speaking to this afternoon. Looking forward to that, then!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Mr Motivator.
Right! I've been in contact with the gym and got my induction arranged for sometime next week - they'll get back to me with exact details. So, starting next week, it's the gym for me!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Weird day.
Weird day… I bumped into two people that I haven't seen in a while. The first was a guy that I used to work with. We both left our mutual employer around 8 years ago and it was nice to catch up, despite the fact we weren't particularly close or anything.
The second was FA1. I've known FA1 for about ten years now – she was introduced to me as a friend of a friend of a friend. We hit it off pretty much straight away and met up with each other once in a while for a drink or lunch to catch up. For a while, I even toyed with the idea of asking her out when she'd finished with a boyfriend, but I didn't really fancy her that much I don't think. In a weird, twisted way, I could see us ending up in bed (and having a bloody good time of it as well), but could never see us in a relationship. As it happens, the night I was considering asking her out is the same night I ended up hooking up with FA2 for the first time, much to BW's chagrin.
She's never said anything, but I think she had similar thoughts. We kinda circled around it for ages and I can think of quite a few times we could have ended the night in bed. Too late now though, she's married. Happily, I think. Certainly recently. Though we only passed each other in the street.
I should email her and find out if she fancies catching up sometime soon over lunch or a drink.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Lickable girls.
Lickable girls are like buses. You don't see one for weeks and then the same one comes along twice on one day!
Not that I'm complaining at the perving opportunities, mind you!
Not that I'm complaining at the perving opportunities, mind you!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Body language.
Had an interesting night in the pub with E a week or so ago people watching. E knows a bit about body language (she called it something different, but I can't remember what it was due to the large quantities of booze I'd imbibed). Actually watching the body language in action was incredibly interesting and made me wonder what E made of my body language...
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I'm actually looking forward to going to the gym. The gym for me is not about weight loss, but it's about achieving two things:
- getting rid of my belly and by association, 'love handles' which are far too large for my liking
- getting some upper body strength
Things to do...
Things to do this week:
- Arrange induction at gym (yes, I finally handed in my gym forms, now all I need is an induction and a general exercise plan for attaining my exercise goals.)
- Buy my nephew a birthday pressie. It's his birthday next week.
- Start planning some trips to visit friends during the autumn and winter.
The weekend.
Ah. An excellent weekend all round, and it's not over yet. Spent Friday night catching up with old friends (and then half of Saturday fixing their PC problems), both of which I enjoyed immensely. Yes, I am a social nerd! The downside was being awoken at 5am on Saturday after 5 hours sleep when my friend's son decided to get out of bed and shout (he has no volume control in his voice - everything's said at "shouty" level).
Saturday night was spent out with my sister, bro-in-law and a few friends in a belated birthday celebration, which was also good fun. I also got some perving in at a cute waitress, which was nice. Was awoken at 7am this morning by my nephew who was staying over. I guess I'll be having an early night tonight.
Now spending a lazy Sunday reading and generally doing nothing in particular. Bliss.
Saturday night was spent out with my sister, bro-in-law and a few friends in a belated birthday celebration, which was also good fun. I also got some perving in at a cute waitress, which was nice. Was awoken at 7am this morning by my nephew who was staying over. I guess I'll be having an early night tonight.
Now spending a lazy Sunday reading and generally doing nothing in particular. Bliss.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
The weekend.
Had a fabulous weekend visiting E. As expected, the liver took a hell of a bashing with most of our time spent in the pub on Friday and Saturday followed by a relaxing chillout in the garden on Sunday due to the amazing good weather.
I often question the relationship that I have with E, probably due to how it originated. E started working at a place where I was doing some temp work where the people we worked with were a fairly close knit group with a few exceptions. I think E and I hit it off pretty well, and to be honest, I might have fancied her just a little bit. She left after a relatively short time (a few months) to take up a permanent job elsewhere in the country. I still kept in touch though, but it was quite hard beginning a friendship like that by swapping the odd email every so often. It's pretty much taken us five years to get to a point where, if we'd been in contact in person fairly regularly, we'd have been after a few months.
Now we're fairly close, though I am still aware that it is quite often me who initiates the contact and even those visits I make to see her are done at my suggestion, though we always end up having a blast.
I did have a bit of a crisis of conscience recently where I suspected that I really fancied E (and it's easy to see why because she does have a lot of traits that I would like to see in any potential girlfriend) but obviously with her being a (platonic) friend, I really didn't want to ruin anything by doing something stupid. I don't know if it was a phase I went through or what, but this weekend went by without a flicker of anything untoward going through my brain. Well, about E, plenty of stuff went through my brain about various young ladies who wandered through the pub as E asked me to pick out those I considered attractive. I think she has some plan about matchmaking. That'd be interesting. It didn't take too long before E announced that she had my type nailed down. "Yes", I wittily replied. "You're going to ask Jessica Alba to date me?"
To be fair though, when it comes to looks, I do think I have a distinct preference (rather than a 'type') although I am also quite picky.
That developed into a bit of introspective analysis there which wasn't meant to happen. Suffice to say, the weekend was fantastic, my liver is complaining of over-work and the sun is shining outside. I'm off to do a spot of reading in the garden and enjoy my day off work.
I often question the relationship that I have with E, probably due to how it originated. E started working at a place where I was doing some temp work where the people we worked with were a fairly close knit group with a few exceptions. I think E and I hit it off pretty well, and to be honest, I might have fancied her just a little bit. She left after a relatively short time (a few months) to take up a permanent job elsewhere in the country. I still kept in touch though, but it was quite hard beginning a friendship like that by swapping the odd email every so often. It's pretty much taken us five years to get to a point where, if we'd been in contact in person fairly regularly, we'd have been after a few months.
Now we're fairly close, though I am still aware that it is quite often me who initiates the contact and even those visits I make to see her are done at my suggestion, though we always end up having a blast.
I did have a bit of a crisis of conscience recently where I suspected that I really fancied E (and it's easy to see why because she does have a lot of traits that I would like to see in any potential girlfriend) but obviously with her being a (platonic) friend, I really didn't want to ruin anything by doing something stupid. I don't know if it was a phase I went through or what, but this weekend went by without a flicker of anything untoward going through my brain. Well, about E, plenty of stuff went through my brain about various young ladies who wandered through the pub as E asked me to pick out those I considered attractive. I think she has some plan about matchmaking. That'd be interesting. It didn't take too long before E announced that she had my type nailed down. "Yes", I wittily replied. "You're going to ask Jessica Alba to date me?"
To be fair though, when it comes to looks, I do think I have a distinct preference (rather than a 'type') although I am also quite picky.
That developed into a bit of introspective analysis there which wasn't meant to happen. Suffice to say, the weekend was fantastic, my liver is complaining of over-work and the sun is shining outside. I'm off to do a spot of reading in the garden and enjoy my day off work.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
This weekend...
Yay! Tomorrow is my visit to see E. We've got a trip to the cinema already planned (Batman Begins) followed by a muted night on the booze. Depending on my alcohol intake on Friday night, there may be a British Lions match viewing on Saturday morning, followed by an afternoon (and perhaps evening, if last year's shenanigans are anything to go by) going to the pub and playing pool. Whether or not E will pot a ball using one of her breasts like she did last year remains to be seen.
Monday, July 04, 2005
V... again.
I've started the letter to V at least three times, but it's simply not going down on paper the way I want it to...
I don't like Mondays...
That's not strictly true, but today was a complete 'mare. Nothing went right, so I left work early-ish. Hopefully, with a good night's sleep under my belt, tomorrow will be more productive.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Wandering mind...
This time next week, I'll have returned from my weekend with E. Probably tired and drunk out by then, too. That's the way things usually go when E and I get together. Luckily, I also have the Monday and Tuesday off to recover.
I must investigate and see whether the paperwork for my gym membership has gone through. I'm tied up this week, but could make a start when I return to work after my few days off.
I must investigate and see whether the paperwork for my gym membership has gone through. I'm tied up this week, but could make a start when I return to work after my few days off.
"Sun" Day
No sun, it's bloody freezing so I'm indoors in front of the PC rather than sunning myself and reading.
To do...
It's sunny here today, as it was yesterday, although it's much cooler than yesterday. Hopefully, if it gets a bit warmer I can get into the garden and do a bit of reading. I have loads of reading I want to catch up on, and I really don't want to spend all day sitting in front of a screen. Yesterday it was Live 8 (despite the significance, I was still under-whelmed), and if it stays cool today (temperature -wise), it'll be my PC monitor.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
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Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...