Had a fabulous weekend visiting E. As expected, the liver took a hell of a bashing with most of our time spent in the pub on Friday and Saturday followed by a relaxing chillout in the garden on Sunday due to the amazing good weather.
I often question the relationship that I have with E, probably due to how it originated. E started working at a place where I was doing some temp work where the people we worked with were a fairly close knit group with a few exceptions. I think E and I hit it off pretty well, and to be honest, I might have fancied her just a little bit. She left after a relatively short time (a few months) to take up a permanent job elsewhere in the country. I still kept in touch though, but it was quite hard beginning a friendship like that by swapping the odd email every so often. It's pretty much taken us five years to get to a point where, if we'd been in contact in person fairly regularly, we'd have been after a few months.
Now we're fairly close, though I am still aware that it is quite often me who initiates the contact and even those visits I make to see her are done at my suggestion, though we always end up having a blast.
I did have a bit of a crisis of conscience recently where I suspected that I really fancied E (and it's easy to see why because she does have a lot of traits that I would like to see in any potential girlfriend) but obviously with her being a (platonic) friend, I really didn't want to ruin anything by doing something stupid. I don't know if it was a phase I went through or what, but this weekend went by without a flicker of anything untoward going through my brain. Well, about E, plenty of stuff went through my brain about various young ladies who wandered through the pub as E asked me to pick out those I considered attractive. I think she has some plan about matchmaking. That'd be interesting. It didn't take too long before E announced that she had my type nailed down. "Yes", I wittily replied. "You're going to ask Jessica Alba to date me?"
To be fair though, when it comes to looks, I do think I have a distinct preference (rather than a 'type') although I am also quite picky.
That developed into a bit of introspective analysis there which wasn't meant to happen. Suffice to say, the weekend was fantastic, my liver is complaining of over-work and the sun is shining outside. I'm off to do a spot of reading in the garden and enjoy my day off work.
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