Saturday, March 08, 2025

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Guy and maybe a few others. It's the night before the gig with D, but as I've said before, Quiet Girl is always good company.

Thursday, March 06, 2025


After Nerdy Girl and I had done our walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the next few months and regaled her of D's invite to Willow Avalon.

I explained my thought processes, including making my decision on seeing her pictures.

"Lemme see the pictures!" she demanded.

I searched for pictures on my phone and showed them to NG.

"Are there any tickets left?" she beamed.

"I dunno, probably." 

I doubt she'll go, but it'd be good fun if she did.

sad face (con'td)

KfW2 called about half an hour ago.

"Sorry, I forgot to call you back last night. I've got a meeting in ten minutes, but you have me 'til then... go!"

"Errr... OK. Well, fuirst things first... we were meant to be going out this weekend for dinner and drinks, right?"

"Were we?"

"Yeah, we pencilled it in a few weeks ago. I've had Covid since, otherwise I'd have been pushing you to confirm." 

"Oh. Err. My son is home this weekend and he's taking me out to a cocktail making class for my Xmas present."


The conversation flowed more about family stuff, but clearly the thing here is that there will be no dinner and drinks with KfW2 this weekend, and even if I'd spoken to her last week, we couldn't make plans if her son was home.

Back to the drawing board.

sad face.

KfW2 called me on Friday, and I returned the call and sent her a message. I called her on Monday evening. She never returned the call. I called her again last night and she did pick up the call.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked.

I'm guessing the fact that I've called her several times in a row triggered something in her brain.

"Nope, just calling."

I heard background noise.

"Can you talk?"

"I'm at the in-laws."

"I'll call you later."

"No, I'll call you on the way home. Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yeah, everything's grand."

And guess what? This makes me sad. The longer we're not in contact, the less likely we're going for dinner and drinks this weekend, because that's why I'm calling. We can chat at the weekend over dinner and gins.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025


So, D suggested I looked up someone called "Willow Avalon". That's who we're going to see in a few weeks time. And I did. And I am glad I did. She plays Country and Western music. It's not a genre I tend to like that much but...


So you know, I might actually enjoy a few hours of Country and Western music.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Go me!

I finally remembered to contact my private healthcare provider today to get the ball rolling on this foot injury that I've had for about a year. Everything I've read online points to Plantar Fasciitis, but I'm a nerd not a Doctor, Jim.

So hopefully they'll get back to me soon and I can make actual, real progress into healing , which will hopefully lead to me being out of the house more i.e. walking and doing exercise.

Monday, March 03, 2025

Oh, let's go!

D sent a text message. Did I want to go to a free gig in a few weeks time? Yeah, why not? D's music tastes and mine can align, but not often. but still, trying something new and get out of the house? Count me in!

Coincidentally, Nerdy Girl sent a text about meeting this week, so we're due to meet tomorrow evening for a walk. I don't think my foot has healed sufficiently to get back into the full 6 mile route, but it'd be great to see her again. We've not seen each other since a few days after Christmas.

And I need to get in touch with KfW2. This coming weekend is when we'd tentatively arranged to meet for dinner, but we've not spoken since then. She did call on Friday, during the day, but I was in meetings at work and couldn't take the call.  So hopefully we can actually arrange this. I'll call her once I've had something to eat.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Nothing to say.

I've nothing to say, but I just wanted to get some typing in to get used to my new keyboard, which is lovely. I know it's difficult to get excited about such things, but I did say I was a massive nerd and loved gadgets.

And my old keyboard was doing my head in after a accident that involved me spilling coffee over it a few months back and meant the backlight didn't work on some keys and the same keys could be a bit temperamental when it came to typing.


There's nothing worse than ordering something online then staring at the delivery status and watch it get gradually pushed out. My new keyboard (yes, I am a massive nerd who likes gadgets) was originally meant to be delivery from around 1PM, but now the delivery window says 4PM.

Gimme my new stuff!

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...