I wouldn't say that I was getting better, but the symptoms have changed over the past few days. In addition to the cough (which still persists, btw), I've had a few days of my hands and feet being permanently cold, though that's back to normal. I've lost my senses of taste and smell. I'm now considering that whatever it is that I've got, is not the same chest infection I was off with at the start of January, but rather Covid.
And my sleep has been better over the past few nights. I'm getting a good few hours per night instead of the one, at best, I was getting on Wednesday and Thursday. But I would still love a complete night's rest.
Regardless, I'm back at work tomorrow. The past few days that I've taken off were not sick days but my own personal leave allocation. I can't afford to use up any more leave, especially seeing as the core symptoms (this cough) is not showing any signs of going away. Plus I reckon I can fudge a quiet day at work.
I've already shared this with FBS, D etc. so the plans for next Friday are in jeopardy. They've agreed to postpone if I am still ill, though I think they should go out without me.
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