While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Guy and maybe a few others. It's the night before the gig with D, but as I've said before, Quiet Girl is always good company.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Thursday, March 06, 2025
After Nerdy Girl and I had done our walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the next few months and regaled her of D's invite to Willow Avalon.
I explained my thought processes, including making my decision on seeing her pictures.
"Lemme see the pictures!" she demanded.
I searched for pictures on my phone and showed them to NG.
"Are there any tickets left?" she beamed.
"I dunno, probably."
I doubt she'll go, but it'd be good fun if she did.
sad face (con'td)
KfW2 called about half an hour ago.
"Sorry, I forgot to call you back last night. I've got a meeting in ten minutes, but you have me 'til then... go!"
"Errr... OK. Well, fuirst things first... we were meant to be going out this weekend for dinner and drinks, right?"
"Were we?"
"Yeah, we pencilled it in a few weeks ago. I've had Covid since, otherwise I'd have been pushing you to confirm."
"Oh. Err. My son is home this weekend and he's taking me out to a cocktail making class for my Xmas present."
The conversation flowed more about family stuff, but clearly the thing here is that there will be no dinner and drinks with KfW2 this weekend, and even if I'd spoken to her last week, we couldn't make plans if her son was home.
Back to the drawing board.
sad face.
KfW2 called me on Friday, and I returned the call and sent her a message. I called her on Monday evening. She never returned the call. I called her again last night and she did pick up the call.
"Is anything wrong?" she asked.
I'm guessing the fact that I've called her several times in a row triggered something in her brain.
"Nope, just calling."
I heard background noise.
"Can you talk?"
"I'm at the in-laws."
"I'll call you later."
"No, I'll call you on the way home. Are you sure you're OK?"
"Yeah, everything's grand."
And guess what? This makes me sad. The longer we're not in contact, the less likely we're going for dinner and drinks this weekend, because that's why I'm calling. We can chat at the weekend over dinner and gins.
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
So, D suggested I looked up someone called "Willow Avalon". That's who we're going to see in a few weeks time. And I did. And I am glad I did. She plays Country and Western music. It's not a genre I tend to like that much but...
So you know, I might actually enjoy a few hours of Country and Western music.
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Go me!
I finally remembered to contact my private healthcare provider today to get the ball rolling on this foot injury that I've had for about a year. Everything I've read online points to Plantar Fasciitis, but I'm a nerd not a Doctor, Jim.
So hopefully they'll get back to me soon and I can make actual, real progress into healing , which will hopefully lead to me being out of the house more i.e. walking and doing exercise.
Monday, March 03, 2025
Oh, let's go!
D sent a text message. Did I want to go to a free gig in a few weeks time? Yeah, why not? D's music tastes and mine can align, but not often. but still, trying something new and get out of the house? Count me in!
Coincidentally, Nerdy Girl sent a text about meeting this week, so we're due to meet tomorrow evening for a walk. I don't think my foot has healed sufficiently to get back into the full 6 mile route, but it'd be great to see her again. We've not seen each other since a few days after Christmas.
And I need to get in touch with KfW2. This coming weekend is when we'd tentatively arranged to meet for dinner, but we've not spoken since then. She did call on Friday, during the day, but I was in meetings at work and couldn't take the call. So hopefully we can actually arrange this. I'll call her once I've had something to eat.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
Nothing to say.
I've nothing to say, but I just wanted to get some typing in to get used to my new keyboard, which is lovely. I know it's difficult to get excited about such things, but I did say I was a massive nerd and loved gadgets.
And my old keyboard was doing my head in after a accident that involved me spilling coffee over it a few months back and meant the backlight didn't work on some keys and the same keys could be a bit temperamental when it came to typing.
There's nothing worse than ordering something online then staring at the delivery status and watch it get gradually pushed out. My new keyboard (yes, I am a massive nerd who likes gadgets) was originally meant to be delivery from around 1PM, but now the delivery window says 4PM.
Gimme my new stuff!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Apparently two blog favourites, Alison Brie and Morena Baccarin, are appearing in the live action adaption of "Masters of the Universe". I've no interest in Masters of the Universe, but I do have an interest in seeing both actresses in films.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Groove on.
Facebook has just informed me that my favourite local band is playing CB Pub at the end of June. Last year, I attended with M. I might reach out to him to see if he fancies it this year. AM and her hubby also like this ban, so i might reach out to them to see if they're interested.
But something else to look forward to.
Monday, February 24, 2025
One of the more interesting symptoms of the illness that I've had over the past two weeks was the sudden and absolute disappearance of my libido. Don't get me wrong, I'm currently single and haven't had sex in a while, so it's not like I have a partner who's feeling neglected, but I do regularly and frequently masturbate.
But not in the past two weeks. I've not given any women a thought until last night/this morning where I woke with CH on my mind, but still, it must be years since I last had a period this long where I never thought about sex or needed to ease the pressure. In fact, the last time I can recall was probably mid-2015, so that's a decade ago. I've not thought about CH in a long time, so her appearance in my thoughts this morning in an x-rated way is kind of surprising.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Long time...
I was in touch with Nerdy Girl a few days back. I've not seen her since the end of December, but a couple of illnesses and this foot thing still steadfastly refusing to go away and the weather have meant that I wasn't interested in going for a walk.
But she's in London for a few days and said she'll be in touch when she gets back. I forgot that I've got work stuff all next week, so it'll be at least a week until I see her, but I'm looking forward to it.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
I think I'm pretty much over this illness. Most of the symptoms were gone a few days ago, but one persists and I'm still wiped out nearly all the time, despite sleeping well. Let's hope it continues to get better over the next few days.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Oh dear.
So the Friday evening thing is postponed. I hadn't even had a chance to share that I wouldn't make it, but Friction Guy posted a message explaining that he's dealing with some family stuff at the moment, so he wouldn't make it. We'll reschedule, but my gut feeling reckon it'll be the end of March.
D says he'll send out a list of dates at the weekend, so we'll go from there.
One thing I've not mentioned in a while (because I've been feeling sorry for myself with this illness) is that I don't recall having issues with my foot injury.
I'd be delighted if that was the end of it. Let's see though.
What type of Introvert are you?
What type of Introvert are you?
I know I've posted before about my being an introvert, but this popped up earlier and I had to take a look. Huff Post claims there are four types, but if I am being honest, I preferred the first "article" I posted, years back because instead of focusing on types, it mentions characteristics and you take from those what you will.
I think I was able to associate with like 9 out of the 13 traits mentioned.
Whereas in the Huff Post article, I see myself in three of the four types. An interesting, if flawed bit of logic, in my opinion.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
It's USHW's birthday today, and I've already texted her separately, but seeing as she gets mentioned on here a lot, I thought I'd share.
So Happy Birthday, USHW, I hope you're having a good one. (I mean, I know you are, but hey ho).
I'm still off work sick. I logged on to work on Monday morning but was still feeling off and hadn't slept well on Sunday night. In fact, last night was the first proper night's sleep I've had in a week. I'll probably take tomorrow off, too, then return to work on Thursday. I kinda don't have any wiggle room on that - if I'm not well enough to return to work on Thursday, tough. But at least at that point, it's only two days until the weekend.
I'm going to message D, FBS etc. tomorrow and let them know I won't be out on Friday. Even if I am fully recovered by tomorrow (which I won't be), I don't want to be going out on Friday and having a skinful of booze after ten days of illness, dehydration etc. Terribly sensible of me, even though I was really looking forward to being social and going to the pub, but there will be other opportunities.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sunday Night Blues
I wouldn't say that I was getting better, but the symptoms have changed over the past few days. In addition to the cough (which still persists, btw), I've had a few days of my hands and feet being permanently cold, though that's back to normal. I've lost my senses of taste and smell. I'm now considering that whatever it is that I've got, is not the same chest infection I was off with at the start of January, but rather Covid.
And my sleep has been better over the past few nights. I'm getting a good few hours per night instead of the one, at best, I was getting on Wednesday and Thursday. But I would still love a complete night's rest.
Regardless, I'm back at work tomorrow. The past few days that I've taken off were not sick days but my own personal leave allocation. I can't afford to use up any more leave, especially seeing as the core symptoms (this cough) is not showing any signs of going away. Plus I reckon I can fudge a quiet day at work.
I've already shared this with FBS, D etc. so the plans for next Friday are in jeopardy. They've agreed to postpone if I am still ill, though I think they should go out without me.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Urgh. Cough, cough, cough.
The cough mentioned in my last post has been extremely persistent over the past few days to the point where I've barely had any sleep. And that has had a knock-on effect of me taking some time off work because I can't function when I have the lurgy and no sleep. To be honest, the lack of sleep alone would be enough, but I'm not a good patient and my throat is raw due to the cough.
So, yeah, I've not been well this week. It does seem to be easing, so hopefully I'll finally get a good night's sleep tonight.
Monday, February 10, 2025
For the second time in a month, I find myself with some kind of illness. Overnight, I've developed a cough that seems quite persistent. This is unusual because I'm usually quite resistant to cold-like illnesses to the point where I never really suffer from full-on colds or flu.
I suspect I picked this up at a funeral that I attended on Friday, probably from my sister.
Saturday, February 08, 2025
D's just been in touch to ask if I wanted to go to his tomorrow night for the Super Bowl. It used to be an annual thing, coinciding with his birthday, but we've not done it since before Covid. But, yeah, as tempted as it is to go see D, the invitation was too late.
Had he suggested it on Friday, I might have been able to take some time off work, though this would not be guaranteed.
Mucho randomness.
Way back when I was still at school, FP and I would often spend our Saturday afternoons camped at SJ's workplace - a tiny home bakery on the nearby high street. That would have been roughly around the time I mad a massive crush on her. We'd easily spend a couple of hours hanging around and chatting in between customers.
For some reason, that popped into my head this morning. Very random.
And as I am likely to have said before, SJ is one of the few people from school that I'd like to see again that I haven't seen in a long time.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Memory Lane
I had a dream last night that featured FBS quite a bit, and us having sex. I don't really remember any other details, but it reminded me of that brief period when we were sleeping together. The few details I do remember from the dream were that it took place in the house that FBS lived in at that time.
As I've said in other posts, the FBS thing was around this time of year. Or rather, it ended around this time of year, having started somewhere around the end of November. Though my memory is playing tricks on me, because I remember we were both off work the next day (a Monday). When I left FBS's house, she accompanied me to the shopping centre on my way home and as we parted in the afternoon, FBS was going to buy D a birthday card, which would have made it around the Super Bowl weekend.
But we weren't at D's the evening before, so it wasn't actually Super Bowl Sunday.
Anyway, I do have fond memories of that two month period even if I can't actually remember the actual dates. FBS was good fun, even if I wasn't interested in proper dating, and she was great in bed.
I wonder if that was the reason for the dream? My subconscious reminding me of the time of year?
Monday, February 03, 2025
Right then...
I managed to get KfW2 on the phone, and we've had a nice twenty minute chat, though we don't have a lot of news to share. However, we have tentative plans (you've heard this before) for the start of March.
This week's too early, next week is Valentine's Day (though KfW2 claims she doesn't celebrate it), the week after I'll be out with D, FBS etc. and the following week is KfW2's husband's birthday.
It's interesting that the second weekend in March is when we've seemingly done a few things. I recall taking her out for a milestone birthday back in 2017 on that weekend and I'm sure there are at least a couple of other nights out.
But I hope this pans out. If not, then the count will be 15 months since we last saw each other, face-to-face, and that's really disappointing for me.
Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually really excited.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Fence-y that.
In the aftermath of last week's Storm Eowyn, my neighbour has need to replace our dividing fence. However, she didn't tell me that the contractor would require access to my garden and that there would be digging involved. That's a concern when you have buried oil pipes running from my oil talk to my boiler.
However, a quick chat with the contractor and there are no issues, and I've even asked him to get me a quote for some fencing that I want done. I'm feeling quite productive today, even if I do have that post-night out lethargy.
Good times.
"Are you a hugger?" That was Quiet Girl's opening sentence. I absolutely am a hugger, so I gladly took the proffered hug. Stalky Guy was a little reluctant but gave in.
Quiet Girl removed her coat and hoodie to reveal a Community t-shirt.
"I love your t-shirt!" I was quick to say.
And that got us started on a conversation about Community and general TV. Stalky Guy didn't know what Community was, so his contribution was trying to get the subject away to something that he liked. That's Stalky Guy for you.
I've been out with QG twice since last summer when I think her friend was hinting that I get in touch, but QG's said nothing since and her friend hasn't been out.
QG left around 9 PM. Stalky Guy and I last until around 11 PM and we came home. It was nice to get out, it was great seeing QG again and even Stalky GUy wasn't being a pain in the ass. A good result all round, then.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Let's go.
I've got three gigs already lined up for this year, all around the May/June time period. One, I'm attending with D, the other two are up in the air.
I have a spare ticket for one of the gigs, but I don't know who I'll take. I'd like it to be KfW2, but I don't know if she likes that artist. The other, I could end up going on my own, but that's not a bad thing really.
Just stuff to look forward to.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Get in!
Quiet Girl has confirmed her attendance at Friday's work event. I'm delighted because ever since Stalky Guy was a complete anti-social dick at one of our last nights out, I've been super-wary about attending these things with only him. Because it's not fun and stops me from mingling with the people I know.
And without blowing my own trumpet, I know a lot of people.
So having someone, anyone, join our group is welcome. But the fact it's QG, who's funny, acerbic and, yes, easy on the eye, is just a bonus.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
I'm bored, so I've watched the 1998 version of The Avengers (the British TV show now the Marvel one). It's rubbish but a) Uma Thurman was a stunning looking woman and b) her Emma Peel rocks a series of great looking boots. I think I picked this subconsciously because the the boots post fr4om a few days ago.
Uma Thurman still is a stunning looking woman, I think, but I've not seen recent pictures.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
I'm feeling a bit down today, though can't really put my finger on it. So here's a collection of attractive women wearing boots. I don't know some of them, but the boots are all great, and a shout out to the boots/short skirt combo that absolutely does it for me.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
He won't.
S didn't message at all last night, though per my last post, I'm not that bothered. I seemed to get off lightly in terms of storm damage, just a damaged fence between me and my neighbour... and it's her fence, so she has to replace it.
In other news, it's G's birthday today, so I'll fire him off a message once I get some coffee. Mmmm... coffee.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Will he, wont he?
I had suggested to S on Saturday that I'd meet him tonight for a few drinks at his new, local, favourite bar. However, that was before Storm Eowyn hit. Shops etc. have been closed all day, though pubs are now just beginning to re-open. The wind has died down considerably, though there is still an amber alert in place which means travel only when necessary.
Saying that, if S messages before 8PM, I'll go out. I want to be social. But I'll be passive about it. I'll not chase him up. If he doesn't message, then it'll be movies and video games.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Let's fricking go!
I had a dream about FA2 last night. It took place over a long time - a few years - and it seemed that FA2 and I circled around each other, occasionally having sex then ghosting each other, only to repeat this every few months. We were both seriously into each other. We'd meet up because we had stuff to talk about and were each other's emotional support, but we'd never fully commit to each other.
In other news, I've had a few nights of really good sleep and for the first time this year, I've woken up feeling fully refreshed and ready to go.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Just some stuff
So, it was lunch with G and we stopped off for a quick drink on the way back to mine. It was great, but it always is great catching up with G, even if some of the news we share these days isn't great for one or both of us.
S also messaged, asking about drinks, but I wasn't in the mood. I did, though, suggest we meet on Friday for a few pints, which he accepted. So it looks like I have something to look forward to next weekend, at least.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Weekend plans
G's messaged and it look like we're meeting tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little disappointed because as I said in one of my more recent posts, it's been ages since I've had a proper Saturday night out.
But still, it'll be great to catch up with G and any socialising is better than what I am currently doing (which is none). Saturday night would have meant a trip to the pub, but it'll be interesting to see see what an afternoon looks like. It could still be the pub. It could be coffee.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Dear Diary
Posting about G earlier reminded me that I've not heard from Mrs FC or anyone else from The Crowd. Seeing as GM supposedly needs notice weeks in advance these days, I don't think we're going to be meeting this month as was originally promised/suggested.
And once I get this weekend over, I'll be piling the pressure on KfW2 for dinner and regular readers will know that she'll almost always take priority.
Nothing from G about this coming weekend. Originally he'd suggested doing something on the Saturday, either afternoon or evening. Despite saying I was available whenever, I do hope it's evening. I'd like to go out and be social and do some proper people watching. I can't remember the last time I was in the pub on a Friday or Saturday night.
It's a waiting game, I guess.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Put it in the diary.
Our social committee has just announced our first work thing for the year in two weeks time. The bad news is that Stalky Guy is going. The good news is that Quiet Girl is going. Something else to look forward to!
Monday, January 13, 2025
All systems go!
I just got a text message from KfW2 thanking me for her birthday card (yup, I caved and bought the card and posted it and everything) and actually sounding keen and enthusiastic about going to dinner. Let's see if we can take advantage of this.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Let's go.
I should be back to work tomorrow as I think I've shifted the illness. Or at least, I've shifted the symptoms of the illness that were keeping me awake at night, and it was the lack of sleep more than anything that was keeping me off work.
But I also wanted to mention the foot injury. At the start of December, I thought I was well on my way to healing. it had been mostly pain-free for about a week, then I went bowling and it all came back again. I'm in the same position again - I've been pain free for around a week. I'll not be launching into exercise this week, but rather just getting back into the swing of things.
I'll re-evaluate if I manage to get to two weeks pain free.
I feel like tomorrow is the start of the new year - the past week or so not counting due to the illness ruling me out of pretty much anything.
So deep breaths, take it a step at a time.
Wait, what?
So, Facebook is telling me that there are rumours of a Jessica Alba divorce. Looks like I'm getting rid of this illness just in time to get onto my fitness journey. Now all I need to do is meet Jessica and woo her.
I don't particularly want to date single mothers, but there are exceptions.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM and I probably didn't get back to sleep again until near 6 AM before waking around 9 AM.
I have a splitting headache, my eyes are sore and I'm feeling really lethargic. I feel like I've not actually started a new year yet, so I still have to get into my weight loss plan when I feel better again (and I always get lazy/de-motivated when ill).
Thursday, January 09, 2025
There are two cats making an unholy noise outside. It instantly brought back memories of the brief period of time that I was sleeping with FBS. It was around this time of year - mid-December through to the end of January, if I remember correctly.
But I think this was the first time. We'd shared a bed a few times, but always semi-clothed and nothing happened, even if we'd been kissing and gotten handsy on the sofa.
Her cats were making a noise not dissimilar to what I'm currently hearing. I mentioned it to FBS.
"They're horny" she explained.
"I know the feeling"
And not that long after, we were both naked and enjoying some foreplay.
So, yeah, cats, I know the feeling.
I'm still in bed, I'm not going into work today and this throat infection and cough, whatever it is, is annoying me. I was planning on going back to work tomorrow, but I really can't be arsed and chances are, I'm not going to sleep well tonight. I've not slept well at all this week.
I need to get out of bed, showered and possibly pop to the shops. I need some medicine for the throat thing and possible a birthday card for KfW2. I've been pondering the card thing for a few days. I can't get her out for her birthday. I'm still waiting to take her out for last year's, and she doesn't do anything for mine any more. Back in the day, I could have gotten her out for drinks, I'd get a card, she might pop into the house with the kids and a small cake. But for the past few years, bar a text message, nothing.
But I know that I'll do it anyway, cos she's my friend. And I'm a sucker for a pretty face, as USHW has told me in the past.
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
I've taken the day off work. It remains to be seen if this will be a sick day or a PTO day. I didn't get any sleep again last night due to this illness. it's not the illness that's the problem - that's "just" a sore throat and a cough. I'm useless with a lack of sleep and that can often mean sore eyes (when using screens) and a splitting headache.
In all likelihood, it'll probably be a sick day or two and I'll not go back to work until the end of the week.
Sunday, January 05, 2025
Let's go!
My sleep over the past few nights has been appalling. I've not gotten a lot of good quality sleep. if that happens again tonight, I'll have to consider taking a day off work because I can hardly keep my eyes open and I have a splitting headache probably due to fatigue.
However, I can recall a couple of dreams, both of which featured something in common - they took place somewhere foreign, hot and sunny. At least one dream was extremely sexual - I'd booked a villa somewhere nice and I spent a week with a companion swimming in the pool, relaxing and pretty much having sex in, on and over everything. my companion was known to me, but I can't remember who. FBS, maybe? USHW? I genuinely can't remember.
But with the weather being miserable at the moment, going somewhere hot and sunny would be bliss right now.
Saturday, January 04, 2025
G sent an email last night. He's thinking about coming home in two weeks. Was I available on the Saturday, either afternoon or evening, to meet up? I certainly am!
There's also a potential night out with The Crowd, but no-one's said anything so far.
Not that I'm complaining at the moment. I have a lurgy right now - a sore throat - and am feeling really, really low energy and sorry for myself. I didn't sleep a wink last night, so that's added a splitting headache to the mix and I am not a good patient.
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Look here.
Browsing my Facebook memories this morning and there are photos of me, MF, GB and GM in CB Pub on NYE. It was the night where I last saw CB in the flesh (I think), where GM pulled (or rather was pulled) and where I might have ended someone's relationship.
Long story short, because I'm sure I'll have blogged about this before, but this cute redhead sat beside me, chatted about her perfect boyfriend "except..." and when I suggested that she might want to say these things to her boyfriend, it apparently all ended in a huge fight and the boyfriend leaving in a taxi.
I didn't see this last part myself, but MF's boyfriend at the time had mentioned it after he came back from having a smoke outside.
But looking at the pictures again, and the cute redhead gives off serious Felicia Day vibes.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone.
This is a scheduled post. I may be drunk, I may be in bed already, I don't know. I'm just hoping that 2025 is much better than the past few years have been, but I can't say I'm optimistic. I'm just tired.
But here are some attractive women to brighten my day when I sober/wake up and read back.
Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...