Sunday, July 24, 2016

Positively thinking.

I thought it was going to be the same old story. A planned night to the cinema was in jeopardy because Sports Girl cried off. I quickly made arrangements with FP and left it at that.

The night with FP was not too drunken, but it was constructive. We talked about a myriad of subjects including fitness and online dating. For the first time FP got the full details on my online dating "adventure". Sadly, like KfW2, his first opinion was that I was doing something wrong. He backtracked a little when I explained that I've been OD-ing on and off since about 2010 and that I'd tried every possible approach that I could. When I added that the issue wasn't "talking" to people but simply getting matches/conversations, then I think that the enormity of my problem started to sink in.

I recommended some fitness regime that I had done in the past to help him with his injury problems.

It was slightly ironic that before we had that conversation, for the first time in a long time, a girl in a bar caught my eye. She was tall, thin, pretty and she reminded me a lot of CB. She was standing beside us and while we swapped a few glances, no move was made. She was wearing a ring of some description that put me off making an approach.

Continuing the positive vibe, SG asked earlier if we could do the cinema thing today. We didn't talk a lot outside of sitting in the cinema, but it was nice of her to be pro-active in re-arranging her cancellation.

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