Thursday, July 28, 2016

A burst of energy.

Off the back of my recent conversation with FP about online dating and a burst of optimistic energy, I revisited some of my dormant accounts. Well, all of them apart from

I am now active (as of this week) on:

  • Tinder
  • Once
  • eHarmony
  • Badoo
  • Bumble
  • OKCupid
  • Happn
  • Plenty of Fish
As I've explained previously, I live in a small catchment area, so all of these apps and sites are full of the same people. Trying to catch the attention of the cute and interesting people is as difficult in one app as it is in another. The worrying thing for me, and has been for a while, is that there are not a lot of people who excite me in the online dating world, and those who do pretty much never get in contact.

The one recent anomaly to that was Attractive Neighbour. We swapped messages, she was really pleasant to talk to (online dating would be much more appealing if everyone behaved like AN, in my opinion), but ultimately, she wasn't interested in maintaining social contact. She popped up in another dating app today, looking as stunning as ever.

If you're reading this, AN, try using a few more candid shots. The professionally taken ones are lovely, but you're stunning looking when you're casual too.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Positively thinking.

I thought it was going to be the same old story. A planned night to the cinema was in jeopardy because Sports Girl cried off. I quickly made arrangements with FP and left it at that.

The night with FP was not too drunken, but it was constructive. We talked about a myriad of subjects including fitness and online dating. For the first time FP got the full details on my online dating "adventure". Sadly, like KfW2, his first opinion was that I was doing something wrong. He backtracked a little when I explained that I've been OD-ing on and off since about 2010 and that I'd tried every possible approach that I could. When I added that the issue wasn't "talking" to people but simply getting matches/conversations, then I think that the enormity of my problem started to sink in.

I recommended some fitness regime that I had done in the past to help him with his injury problems.

It was slightly ironic that before we had that conversation, for the first time in a long time, a girl in a bar caught my eye. She was tall, thin, pretty and she reminded me a lot of CB. She was standing beside us and while we swapped a few glances, no move was made. She was wearing a ring of some description that put me off making an approach.

Continuing the positive vibe, SG asked earlier if we could do the cinema thing today. We didn't talk a lot outside of sitting in the cinema, but it was nice of her to be pro-active in re-arranging her cancellation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ho hum.

I can't remember if I've ever mentioned before, but while I have massive confidence issues in all aspects of my life, mainly socially, I am a very social person. I like meeting people (as long as the circumstances are favourable) and I love being in the company of my friends.

That usually means that I am very socially aware and active. By active, I mean the organiser. For example, CH has suggested that when we do meet for coffee, one thing we should talk about is meeting more socially - for a beer or two.

I'll end up arranging something bigger. Rather than just the two of us, I'll invite KfW2, FC and GM who all know her as well. It never crosses their minds to get in touch with CH (not her, them), so why I take it upon myself to be the centre of our social group, I don't know.

We had another night out last weekend - plenty of people turned up, but few people actually confirmed their attendance. In fact, only S confirmed. To be fair a few people said they couldn't make it, but the majority of people (who did turn up) didn't actually specify one way or the other, leaving it up to me to chase them for a response.

I shouldn't have to specifically ask for an RSVP, but it seems like I should.

Regardless, I had a great time. I think everyone did, but that's unsurprising. When this group get together, we usually do have a good time. Plenty of drinks were taken and it was a late night. GM and Sports Girl were out. I've not spoken to them in ages. SG was apologetic, blaming an internal move in work for her sudden silence. Given that the silence coincided with her dating GM rather than the work thing, I'm sceptical.

She promised to be better at being in contact and we tentatively agreed to meet this week as we were both off work. I sent a message last night, suggesting we meet today. She agreed and I asked when she'd like to meet. Silence.

Facebook is telling me that she's out and about playing Pokemon Go, but she's yet to reply to my direct question. I'm not chasing her up. I was disappointed when she went quiet a few months ago and while I liked having her out at the weekend, there's definitely a coolness/distance from me towards her. I've made some effort (and I've done that a couple of times since she hooked up with GM)... now it's up to her to put her money where her mouth is.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...