Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Do you want to know bored I was yesterday? I tidied up the posts relating to FA1 and FA2 because, quite frankly, they were all over the place. I had gotten them mixed up at one point and the stories were all jumbled up. I didn't have to sort them out but in my head, they needed tidied. I doubt any readers will be able to tell the difference between the pre-tidied and post-tidied ones, but I can and that's enough.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today should have been the final piece of the puzzle regarding the new place... getting a new cooker and washing machine installed. And, to be honest, that did happen. Useless flatmate (I'd better start giving him a name, so he'll be UF from now on) didn't stay around with the workmen though and I arrived home to find a broken lock. I found it by trying to get into the apartment and failing miserably. MfW was not much help. His first port of call was to try and beat down the door before calling me. Only then did he realise that he could have called the building manager or, preferably, our estate agent's (i.e. managing agent) out of hours mobile number. They suggested a locksmith and so we called one. Fifty quid later and we're in the apartment, the lock has been repaired (and is in better condition than it was this morning, thanks to the locksmith) and it's up to me to go to them and ask for the money back. Now that the stress is leaking out of me, I'm incredibly tired and I'll definitely sleep well tonight, but today has just highlighted how useless my housemates are at dealing with stuff.

What I need is a fuck, a cigarette and a beer... in precisely that order.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The green-eyed monster.

MfW is away on a date tonight. I had to say that I'm more than a little jealous. Over the past few months he's met a fair few people for ummm... romantic liaisons. I don't know how he does it... he appears to be appalling at approaching people, with no sense of humour (well, to be honest, he has a bit, but he appears to be incapable of laughing at himself). Any time we're out, it's me that has to approach others. he tends to stand around necking Dutch courage and saying "right, we need to start talking to people" and ultimately not doing anything. It's a bit rich coming from him as he's the one who will wake up the next morning and proclaim the night out to be a disaster because he never got talking to someone. The last time I went out on the pull with with MfW successfully, he did a spectacular job of cock blocking me (Near Miss) simply because the other girl wasn't interested in him and coupled with his drunkenness, he managed to scare them both off.

Of course, there's more to it than just meeting women. Given that Recruitment Bird was the last girl I actually found myself really attracted to and that was 3 years ago, I am somewhat concerned about my ability to meet people. I know I've spoken of others recently - M's fiancé's friend, for example, but that's more of a case of I know that they're cute and single and kind of feel obliged to be interested in them.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have to admit to being a little confused. I was out last night with M for a few drinks. We ended up being joined by M's fiancé and her friend. I've mentioned the friend before in a previous post. She is cute, she was very chatty last night and I think she was trying to initiate physical contact - all good signs, but then she simply went home without as much as a goodbye. This is not the first time she has done this. In addition, both M and his fiancé have both warned me off, albeit indirectly. There's been no direct "don't go there" warning, but lots of hints. I don't know what to do really. I guess I'll just have to let things play out.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fun and frolics... and the gym.

Finally settled into the new place... mostly. The TV and broadband is finally installed, just waiting for the phone line for full communications plus for the handling agent to fix a few issues and we'll be ready to rock and roll. That'll lead us on to a house-warming party within the next month, which should be good fun (plus I quite like the idea of showing this place off - it's really quite impressive). The downside is that I seem to have found myself doing all the bloody work in contacting the building manager, contacting the handling agent, getting the TV and broadband installed etc. MfW is one of those guys that has a lot of opinions and ideas, but very little get up and go in order to accomplish them. Still... I'm just thinking about getting everything sorted ASAP, then I can think about the house-warming party.

In other, socialising news, this weekend I'm due to meet up with QC1 and AM (with their better halves). I can't see that being too hectic, so I might contact M to see if he fancies a few pints at the weekend too. I've also been invited to M's wedding in a few months' time as well as his stag party. That'll also be a good few nights out... plus there are still potentials to consider. I mentioned a blonde girl a few months ago that I had my eye on, and I'm hoping she'll be at the wedding, plus I've met another of M's fiancé's friends a few times, who's cute and brunette and seems like good fun, though I've been warned she's high maintenance. I don't do high maintenance, so that might have to remain a mystery.

Still, the wedding has given me a bit of incentive to get back to the gym and lose a bit of weight before the wedding. I had already promised myself that I'd go back once we'd moved house and settled... and we pretty much have. The fact that the gym is only about 10 mins walk from our new place means that I really will have no excuse not to go at least a couple of times per week, even in winter (rainy days are still going to be an issue though).

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...