Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A rather large digest. Maybe. Unless I get bored halfway through.

I realise that it's been ages since I last posted anything... almost three weeks, in fact. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, but rather that I've been busy and, for the firs time in my life, stressed out about something.

That something is work. I've been given my own project to do and I'm doing it to the best of my ability (and quite pleased with the results so far) but I'm being let down by people further up the food chain than me, meaning everything is a struggle and there have been more than one sleepless night as a result. Suffice to say, for this reason alone, I haven't posted anything and generally just arrived home from work and have ended up vegging in front of the telly or reading a book in order to try and keep my mind off the horrors of what's happened between 9AM and 5PM.

Secondly, the house is causing grief. The untidy flatmate is still causing grief around here, despite not living here for three months. A recent electricity bill is £50 more than it was this time last year (and there were three of us last year) and the previous bill was, until recently, unpaid. That meant a visit from the electricity company, armed with a court order to gain access to the premises where they fitted a PAYG meter and fucked the front door lock. My flatmate broke his key in it just this evening. This is all going to come back to bite us on the arse when we eventually move out. We're meant to be looking at new places to live tonight on property webistes, but as I type this, I've just heard my flatmate leave the house. I've no idea when he'll be back.

The current flatmate is annoying me with regards this recent electricity bill. He has a habit of having every single light in the house on as much as possible and our recent home "improvements" mean we finally have house lights on the ground floor. Obviously, as a result, this means the current flatmate has all of the lights on when possible, so we've gone from having two (40W) table lamps on during the evening to almost twenty (50W) spots. It doesn't take a genius to recognise that this will use a lot more electricity, but he seems to be looking for other reasons for this spike.

There are a few other things to say, though less annoying (and less interesting) than the above. I've been out and about socially over the past few weeks, which was good fun. M got engaged and has invited me to the wedding later this year. I finally went to my GP about my injury from last year and I've been referred for physiotherapy, so I need to get that started. Then I can get into gear with my fitness and weight loss goal (I want to lose about 28lb before the end of the summer). Finally, the PoF experiment that DSC was running kinda petered out with no results... after about three days when she gave up on it!

I'm amazed I've sat here for the fifteen minutes it's taken me to compose the post and type it out. Things must be pretty bad or pretty good to vent this much in type!

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...