Monday, April 27, 2009

Goals... one to tick off... more to follow.

I finally managed to move into the new place, only three weeks after signing the lease. Three weeks. *sigh*

The good first impression I had of the place have quickly worn off.

There's nothing immediately wrong with the flatmates... they seem sound enough and I'm only starting to get to know them and another couple of weeks will soon sort the men from the boys. The room itself is great and I've got mostly everything unpacked (except for the library that is my book collection) and my room already feels like home.

The issue is the house in general... none of the lights in the public areas work - hall, landing, living room, kitchen, which is going to play havoc at late-night wandering (luckily I'm right beside the bathroom and am unlikely to be playing sexy Hide and Seek with a female any time soon). There doesn't seem to be a vacuum cleaner, so carpetted areas are a tad dusty and the two guys behave like two guys... vast areas of the house do need a cloth run over them, just to give the place an instant facelift. Also, there's precious little in the way of cooking equipment. One saucepan that I've found so far. That's not going to help my side-goal of expanding my cooking range.

I might leave it a bit before I talk to the land lady, but we'll see what the next few weeks brings.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The morning after...

I managed to find myself out at the pub last night. It was a move that I'd kinda engineered myself, by talking to a few people, and managed, without them realising, to get myself invited to a birthday party of sorts. I semi-know the people involved - they're work colleagues and I'd even classify a few of them as friends, even though we don't do a lot of socialising.

It was a good night for all manner of reasons. I think I made a really good impression on a rather attractive young lady, but we'll have to see if anything evolves from that. I don't even know if it's anything I'd like to pursue, but she was nice and has a cracking arse.

I can't remember if I blogged about it, but there was an incident that happened last year when I was out on the town with E. I bumped into a mate of mine who had returned from travelling the world and we were having a drunken conversation while meandering around the bar. He spotted E sitting on her own and went over for a chat without realising she was my friend. We all got talking and during this conversation, this mate of mine mentioned a girl... a girl that he seemed to be quite taken with. He assured us that nothing was farther from the truth, but I've done that myself enough times to know there was probably more involved. Anyway, this girl was visiting last week and he brought her to the bar. I can see why he might be attracted to her - sexy, very good looking, intelligent. I'll have to have to have a quiet word when she leaves after the weekend.

The only other thing of note to say about the night was that one of the girls that was out is a very close friend of RB. I knew RB has a close friend that worked in the same place as me, but I never knew who it was until recently. I never got talking to her, in fact, I never got talking to a few people, but it was still a good night.

Today is fucking awful though.

Friday, April 17, 2009


After sending G RB's details earlier this week, I've been struck down again with an attack of a "meh" mood, tinged with a little bit of... something. Frustration? Regret? Wishful thinking? I don't know exactly what it is, but I've been thinking about RB this week both in terms of what might have been (and her personal baggage aside, she really was a good looking, sexy girl and there was plenty of potential for all sorts of stuff), but also in terms of it being last July since I last had a sniff of any action.

Last week, with FP, we did meet a few girls, but it was all friendly banter. There was no spark of anything other than just having a bit of a laugh, but these nights are few and far between.

Still, USHW's off-line for a bit, but hopefully when she returns, she'll have a tonne of questions to ask based on quite a lot of things, not least this blog.

Monday, April 13, 2009

And in other news...

Two weeks after signing my lease agreement with my landlord and I still haven't moved. That's not really as bad as it looks though as I was really only planning on moving on Good Friday and giving myself a long weekend to settle in to the new house. However, work-related stuff, along with a surprised visit from friends left me with little time to get packed up and prepare to move. So the goal now stands that I'll pack this week and gradually move my stuff across this week and make the final move on Friday for the weekend.

The friend in question, G, was home for a break to consider his future, professionally. With the worldwide recession the way it is, he's got a bit of pondering to do. I might actually pass on RB's details as she might be able to offer some advice... I'll shoot an email off in the morning.

Last night I was out with FP and I had a really good night. The pub was rammed, in a bad way, though there was plenty of female totty to admire. We were a mixed group and we hooked up with this group of three girls and went back to an apartment for further drinks. It got a little bit complicated with the three girls (or rather, with two of them) as a few blokes had their eye(s) on them, but it wasn't nasty or anything and everything worked out the way it should have done (in my own opinion). I'm really not cut out for 5AM finishes though.

With my imminent move taking place this weekend, it's time to start considering the goals again. The gym is on hold until June as I'm in the middle of changing membership from one gym to another, based partly on my house move and partly because it's in a better location overall, so I would have changed even if I hadn't moved house. That leaves the dating angle, though one of E's friends messaged me on one of the dating sites I have a dormant account on. She knew who I was and was dropping a line rather than seeing an anonymous profile and fishing for a date. I tend to back off when I recognise people I know on these sites though.

Still... the interesting summer that I was expecting is still on the cards. We'll have to see where these things are going to take me.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...