Sunday, October 15, 2006

The whole E thang.

I was reminded this morning that I haven't explained the E/bloke situation terribly well, if at all. Well, it's like this. A few months ago, E met a bloke she worked with in a bar. They met "accidentally". Actually, from putting the pieces together, he knew where E was going to be and turned up. They ended up getting off with each other and over the next while, started doing stupid things like meeting up for a snog and a grope during work. The reason they do this is not because they're both fifteen, but because he's still in a relationship… a relationship with a live-in partner and two children. That also explains why he's sneaking around, collecting E from the pub at closing time on a Tuesday night and why she's being a bit crap. While I wouldn't criticise her behaviour in dating someone already in a relationship (after all, I've posted often enough about fucking USHW, so it would be a little hypocritical), I do still think badly of her behaviour because of the skulking around. Does this make any sense to anyone apart from me? I do think it's a little hypocritical of E, though. A few years ago, I was telling her about my friend, F. I don't know if I've mentioned anything before, but F used to fool around on her partner a bit. When I mentioned some of F's antics to E, she was most disapproving about the cheating aspect. Apparently, it's OK for E to be the second woman because the bloke isn't happy in the relationship and is only remaining for the kids. At least, that's what E told me. I'm not sure E's "explananation" justifies the behaviour, but I've found that women can get very illogical when there's a bloke involved.

As of today, this "relationship" is probably about three months old. Having spoken to E's friend recently, I think she might be a little concerned about E. E's friend asks for my opinion on E and this bloke a lot given the small amount of time we've chatted. Why she would do so is a mystery unless E's been talking me up as someone she feels close to, which seems weird given the weirdness (i.e. varying levels of closeness) of our relationship. Anyway, getting back to this, E's friend is convinced that she's in love with this bloke, but she doesn't seem convinced that it's reciprocated. I'm not sure that E's friend likes the bloke that much, though is unwilling to say anything to E. I think that's a good move under the circumstances. If E's friend's suspicions are true, it would be tough for her to find out when she leaves the country next month, so I hope it's not the case. She does feel enough about him to tell her Dad the entire story, which is pretty unnecessary if it's only going to last another month at the most.

It's confusing. I still have to sort out my annoyance at E's behaviour the last two times I've seen her, so I think I'll try and organise something for next week or next weekend and have a chat with her.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...