Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some things never change...

I sent a message to QC2 last week, asking if we could meet up this week for a drink and a chat. Seeing as it was nearly 18 months between our last two meetings and with QC2 being a valuable contact in the possible pursuit of  MMBF, I think it's worth making more of an effort. However, I've still not had a reply. I know it's only been a few days, but I hope this is not the start of another extended period where QC2 goes incommunicado - that's partly why we didn't see each other for so long last time.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I get irrationally angry when I see people use the word "clearly" to describe something they consider to be fact rather than opinion. e.g. "I am clearly right". It's one of very few annoyances left over from my time involved in my online hobby where we'd frequent message boards and discuss various, related topics and people would use this all the time to put forward their opinion as fact, and it's something I've started noticing again an awful lot recently. Ooooh, I'm getting angry even now thinking about it (and all the fuckwits from back in the day, too).

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2012 Goals.

Regular readers, if there are any, will not be surprised by my goals for this year. Another year rolls by and my goals remain pretty constant.

Last year, of all the goals I set, I managed to complete two of them. I had physio on my leg injury which has now fully healed and my housing is sorted... ish. The rest went unticked in the "completion" column.

So this year, I want to work on the fact my leg injury is healed by getting a little bit fitter, but more importantly, losing some weight. How much weight is another question. I'm scared to step on the scales. I'm guessing at around 2 to 2 and a half stone.  That's 28 - 35 pounds or 12.7 to 15.9 kg for anyone who doesn't operate in these archaic English measurements. It might even be more, but that'll wait until my first weigh in.

That's do-able over the course of a year. Aim for losing a pound per week, and potentially that's 52 pounds or almost 4 stone, if things went according to plan.

There is a slight complication. For reasons that I won't go into here, I'm not looking to lose to much weight or tone up too much. The figures mentioned above would still take me to the upper limits of weight for my height and frame type.

I want to lose my belly and to be able to fit into some old (but unworn) clothes,  but I'm not aiming to become super-toned like David Beckham. I don't look fat right now, despite being severely overweight - I carry it well - but a better diet and more exercise (I'm doing none currently) will lose the excess and distribute the rest better and I'm looking more for an improvement in my body shape than hitting actual weight goals.

That's something I always advocated to FA2 when she complained about her own body. The weight itself (as long as it's not health threatening) should be secondary to your own happiness with your body.

So, the first goal is fitness, weight loss and a small bit of toning up. My tentative plan on this (and I am still working out the details) is to create a good menu for my diet. Eat healthier, but not be too concerned about counting calories - reduce carbs, eat more fruit, cook from fresh, reduce fat where possible and this should all help. To encourage that, I'm trying to put together a healthy menu of quick and easy meals to make - I reckon I need about 15 or so, so I can still eat tasty, filling food without resorting to eating salads etc. which is where any potential diet would fall over within a day or so. Oh, and it goes without saying that I should probably cut the booze out for a while until I've got this new diet routine in place/

Once that diet is underway and my larder is stocked with ingredients so I can throw something together at short notice (I can't plan my eating, hence the need for two weeks worth of recipes), then I will consider upping my exercise levels. I can play football once a week with guys from work. I have some resistance bands I can use at home to do bits and pieces for a few weeks and once this is all underway, I will then think about going back to the gym once or twice a week on top of the football and resistance bands or get out on the bike once the better weather comes round.

All that together should, I think, see the weight drop off steadily. As I said, that's the rough overview... I still have to iron out the details, but I hope to be starting something within a week or ten days.

That's the main goal for this year. The rest are, like last year, secondary or in the list of things that fall outside of my control - travel (insofar as I want someone to travel with), meeting people (i.e. dating), trying new things, saving some money etc.

So, a belated Happy New Year from me and I hope 2012 is a good one for you (and me).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh for fuck sake.

Take a look at the timestamp for this post. It's twenty to eleven at night and UF has just put on a wash, in an apartment block when the walls are fairly thin and the neighbours beside/above and below will hear. He's already complained loads of times about the noise the neighbours make having parties during the week etc., but can't fathom that sticking on a full wash and spin cycle at half past ten doesn't piss them off.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Analyse this.

I had a dream last night - again, I can't remember all of it, but RB was in it, as was USHW. For some reason, unknown to myself, RB and USHW were best mates and we all worked for the same company doing who knows what, but apparently it was all fun and japes. I've no idea what prompted it either. I don't usually remember dreams, and I'm not even sure of the specific details of this one, just that it was all office-based.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Already tardy

Usually by this time of the year, I have my "Goals for..." post already written and posted (last year's was posted on New Year's Day, but this year I just haven't gotten around to it. I do have a few goals and plans in mind, but I want to plan them out a little first before making any announcement. While I'm still figuring out the details, I don't think there's too much that's going to surprise any regular readers or anyone that actually knows me.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Old Year's Night

Well, after hours of chasing people up, I managed to blag a night out. The end result wasn't a bad night out, but I've had many, many better New Year's Eves if I am being perfectly honest, but it was much better than staying in on my own. We did share a table with a trio of cute, brunette sisters, but they made a point of staying very much to themselves. We did try and tempt them back to my friends' apartment for an after party of sorts, but they declined, sadly.

The main talking point, from my point of view, was spotting a cute girl that I'd first seen on the online dating site, though she never appeared to log in. I've seen her a couple of times in a few of my favourite pubs and when I saw her last night, I was determined to try and chat to her. However, I was on my way to the toilet at the time and when I returned, she was gone. I searched the bar high and low for her, but she had definitely left rather than just moved elsewhere in the bar area. To say I was disappointed was an understatement.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...