Thursday, October 27, 2011


I am tipsy and mischievous. This is not a good combination.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A little help from my friends

I'm probably going to miss an awful lot here, but I'll try and get everything into words. I had my night out with QC2, as recently arranged. Nights out with QC2 are good - she's good company, we have a laugh and, when required, we have the serious conversations too. The only issue is that we don't do it enough. Last week's meeting, for example, was our first in easily 18 months, despite both of us trying to arrange something on a semi-regular basis. Because these meet-ups are so infrequent, we tend to miss out an awful lot of "news". I know I do, but part of that is my own issue and I believe I've blogged about it before with regards to QC2. I feel uncomfortable talking about myself, or at least making me the topic of conversation, so when I wanted to tell QC2 about RB a few years ago, I didn't because we didn't get around to talking about my love life or lack thereof. In fact, just as an aside, I think Thursday was the first time I mentioned RB to QC2.

However, things got off to a decent start. QC2 was very excited about telling me that she knew a girl who was at the same wedding as me (M and MM last week), and I smugly said that I knew who she was talking about - MM's brunette friend. I explained that I thought she was interesting and cute, but never went as far as to say that I was conflicted about how I felt about her - platonic or not? We kinda got side-tracked onto how useless I am at spotting the signals with women and QC2 mentioned that, in the past, she had noticed women being very interested while I was oblivious.

She mentioned two - FBS and QC3 as well as a few other random women from nights out in the pub. I kinda knew about both FBS and QC3, after all, FBS and I fucked a few times and the QC3 thing was common knowledge, but we circled around each other for a few weeks until she left the country. The latter incident stems from me not wanting to be the centre of attention. QC3 and myself spent plenty of time in each other's company in the pub, but always with our friends watching to see what would happen. What I should have done was asked QC3 out on different nights where I have no doubt that we would have hooked up, but that was easy to spot in hindsight.

Getting back to QC2, she had mentioned that MM's brunette friend (MMBF) has often asked QC2 to come out to the pub. If that's the case, and I do decide to pursue MMBF, then I might make this work to my advantage. If I'm out with M and MM, QC2 and MMBF are all out, then if there is any chemistry, I can rely on QC2, I hope, to report back because I will, inevitably, not see it.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

The waiting game.

All last week, I had been looking forward to M's wedding. It's been ages since I was at a full wedding and I was anticipating seeing some old school friends as well as two of M's fiancé's friends (M's fiancé will be known as MM from now on). After talking to a few friends like DSC, I had plans to investigate whether MM's friends (they've been mentioned before in posts, this one being the most recent - a blonde and a brunette) were showing any interest. There's a little chemistry with both of them, but not enough to be able to say with any certainty that any approach would be welcome.

So, cue the wedding. A great day was had by all, but the goals of having a good chat with either of these ladies fell somewhat short of the mark. I had a brief, 15 minute, chat with the blonde (SBF) during the afternoon and she was as stunning as I remember, but she left early and before I was in any position to take the conversation further (i.e. before I hit just the right stage of drunkenness where I get the confidence to approach people). Later in the evening, towards the end of the night, I did get a chance to chat with the brunette. It was well after 11 PM before I got a chance to talk to her for the first time, and between then and the end of the night, we must have chatted a few more times. I caught her at the end of the night and made sure she got into a taxi OK (I did try to get her to stay longer to no avail), before I joined the others in the residents' bar. I'm not 100% sure that there's anything there... but I've laid some groundwork. I probably won't see her until M and MM return from their honeymoon, but even then, I've made some suggestions to M that the brunette is a catch. I've dropped a few hints with MM too.

As an aside, I've made arrangements to meet QC2 on Thursday and it just so happens that she is friends with MMBF (according to Facebook ) though I am unsure of the exact details. I might quiz QC2 and see what the score is there, too.

I'd said to DSC that I wasn't sure about the brunette as I wasn't feeling the chemistry the way I had in the past with others such as Date No. 1 or RB, but she suggested that it could be a slow burner because she thinks I am interested even if I don't recognise it myself.

I guess I'm not going to find out until after M and MM return.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...