Monday, February 20, 2006


This how lazy I am - I'm just back from the gym. Tonight was one of those nights I meet up with GC and she proceeds to kick the shit out of me with various exercise machines. I always find it tough going, but it's a really pleasant feeling afterwards. It is worth it, seeing as I get no other exercise, so why can't I motivate myself to go more than once per week?

Wednesdays are usually my night to go, but given that there was a really cute blonde girl in there tonight, I might make the effort to go more often on Mondays!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Well, where to start? On Vally's Day, I got TWO e-cards. One was a platonic one from USHW, which was very much appreciated plus another one from an unknown source that erm... wasn't. I hate not knowing stuff like that, so I sent an email to the Gmail account asking for their identity, but I doubt I'll ever get a reply.

I did chicken out of sending cards to any of the females who are currently taking my fancy - that'd be about three, I think. I blame the lack of contact details, but really, I have email addresses so I could have sent e-cards quite easily. Maybe I should just blame the fact that I'm chicken, especially when it comes to women. Meh.

As you might have guessed, things haven't moved on at all on any front. PD's still the most difficult woman in the world to get hold of and I haven't seen Lickable Girl from work in months. In fact, thinking back on it, I don't think I've seen her since before Xmas. That's most definitely my loss.

I have caught up with QC2, who was telling me all about her trip to NYC (thankfully, she returned a few days before the HUGE snowstorm hit), and it sounds like a fantastic place to visit. I haven't seen E since she came home from her skiing trip, so I will make a point of contacting her this week to see if we can't meet up or something.

Going away next weekend for a weekend on the booze with the lads, which promises to be excellent - lots of booze and lots of fun. Looking forward to that, already. I think I'm going to arrange a talk with the boss, too. I have concerns regarding work that need addressing if things are going to go well for everyone in my team this year, otherwise it could be a looong year.

Monday, February 13, 2006


So, it's St. Valentine's Day tomorrow. I'm neither sending nor expecting anything (though am quite willing to be surprised). There aren't even any real targets. PD's still kinda floating around, but that's not looking as if it will develop anywhere and anything else is, well, just never going to happen. 

I did toy with the idea of sending PD (and a few others) an e-card earlier, before giving up on that idea. It did mean that I did find this cool e-card site: It's well worth taking a look at.

Monday, February 06, 2006


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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I heard from USHW recently, asking after myself (but also being nosey about PD). There was nothing to tell, and that's still the case, despite the fact I heard from her (PD) today. It wasn't anything important, though, just the usual email asking what I was doing at the weekend, but no urgency about the two of us getting together for a chat.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...